Recent Water Damage Posts

Preventing Water Damage in Your Eureka Springs Home This July

6/27/2024 (Permalink)

storm hovering over homes Stay safe and dry this summer!

July in Eureka Springs can bring beautiful summer weather, but it can also come with unexpected rainstorms and high humidity, which pose risks for water damage in your home. Taking proactive measures to protect your home from water damage is crucial to maintaining its integrity and ensuring the safety of your belongings. Here are some essential tips to help you prevent water damage in your Eureka Springs home this July:

1. Inspect and Maintain Your Roof

  • Regular Inspections: Check your roof for any signs of damage, such as missing or broken shingles, and have them repaired promptly. A well-maintained roof is your first line of defense against water intrusion.
  • Clean Gutters and Downspouts: Ensure your gutters and downspouts are free of debris to allow rainwater to flow away from your home. Clogged gutters can cause water to overflow and seep into your roof or foundation.

2. Seal Windows and Doors

  • Check Seals and Caulking: Inspect the seals around windows and doors. Replace any damaged or worn-out caulking to prevent water from seeping in during heavy rains.
  • Install Weatherstripping: Adding weatherstripping to doors and windows can create a tighter seal and help keep water out.

3. Maintain Your Yard

  • Grade Your Yard Properly: Ensure the ground around your home slopes away from the foundation. Proper grading helps direct water away from your home, reducing the risk of foundation leaks.
  • Trim Trees and Shrubs: Overgrown vegetation can direct rainwater toward your home and cause damage. Keep trees and shrubs trimmed and well-maintained.

4. Check Plumbing and Appliances

  • Inspect Pipes: Regularly check for leaks in your plumbing system, including pipes under sinks, behind appliances, and in basements or crawl spaces. Fix any leaks promptly to prevent water damage.
  • Maintain Appliances: Inspect and maintain water-related appliances such as washing machines, dishwashers, and water heaters. Look for any signs of leaks or malfunctions.

5. Install a Sump Pump

  • Sump Pump Installation: If your home has a basement or is prone to flooding, consider installing a sump pump. A sump pump can help remove excess water and prevent flooding.
  • Regular Testing: Test your sump pump regularly to ensure it’s in good working condition, especially before heavy rain is expected.

6. Use Dehumidifiers and Ventilation

  • Control Humidity: High humidity levels can lead to condensation and water damage. Use dehumidifiers in areas prone to moisture, such as basements and bathrooms, to keep humidity levels in check.
  • Proper Ventilation: Ensure your home is well-ventilated. Use exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens to reduce moisture buildup.

7. Prepare for Storms

  • Emergency Kit: Keep an emergency kit with essential supplies, such as flashlights, batteries, and a first-aid kit, in case of severe weather.
  • Monitor Weather Forecasts: Stay informed about weather conditions and be prepared to take action if a storm is approaching. Have a plan in place for protecting your home and belongings.

8. Regular Home Maintenance

  • Regular Inspections: Conduct regular inspections of your home, including the foundation, walls, and roof, to identify and address potential water damage issues early.
  • Professional Help: Consider hiring professionals to perform a thorough inspection and maintenance of your home. They can identify and fix issues that you might miss.

By following these tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of water damage in your Eureka Springs home this July. Taking proactive steps now can save you time, money, and stress in the future. If you do experience water damage, remember that SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale is here to help with professional water damage restoration services.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale Your trusted water damage restoration experts

How to Create a Water Loss Plan for Your Siloam Springs Commercial Building

6/27/2024 (Permalink)

standing water inside a commercial building Stay prepared and protect your business with SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale!

How to Create a Water Loss Plan for Your Siloam Springs Commercial Building

Water damage can strike without warning, causing significant disruption and financial loss to your commercial property. Whether it’s from a burst pipe, severe weather, or a malfunctioning appliance, water damage can halt business operations and lead to costly repairs. Having a comprehensive water loss plan in place is essential to minimize damage and ensure a swift recovery. Here’s a guide from SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale on how to develop an effective water loss plan for your Siloam Springs commercial building.

1. Conduct a Risk Assessment

  • Identify Vulnerable Areas: Examine your building to identify areas most susceptible to water damage, such as basements, restrooms, kitchens, and areas with heavy plumbing.
  • Evaluate Potential Hazards: Consider external risks like nearby bodies of water, weather patterns, and the age and condition of your building's plumbing system.

2. Develop an Emergency Response Plan

  • Emergency Contacts: Compile a list of emergency contacts, including local fire and police departments, a reliable plumber, your insurance company, and SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale.
  • Action Steps: Outline clear, step-by-step procedures for responding to a water emergency. This should include shutting off the main water supply, evacuating personnel if necessary, and contacting emergency services.

3. Assign Roles and Responsibilities

  • Response Team: Designate specific employees to form a water loss response team. Ensure they are trained in emergency procedures and know their roles during a water incident.
  • Training: Conduct regular training sessions to keep the response team prepared. Include drills and simulations to practice the emergency response plan.

4. Install Preventative Measures

  • Water Detection Systems: Install water detection systems and alarms in areas prone to leaks. These devices can provide early warning signs of water intrusion.
  • Regular Maintenance: Schedule regular inspections and maintenance of plumbing, HVAC systems, and roofing to prevent leaks and water damage.

5. Protect Critical Assets

  • Data Backup: Regularly back up important data and store copies off-site or in the cloud. This ensures business continuity even if physical assets are damaged.
  • Elevate Equipment: Keep critical equipment and documents elevated and away from the floor to prevent water damage.

6. Establish a Communication Plan

  • Internal Communication: Develop a communication strategy to inform employees about the emergency and provide instructions. Use multiple channels such as emails, text messages, and phone calls.
  • External Communication: Prepare a plan to communicate with clients, customers, and stakeholders about the situation and any potential disruptions to business operations.

7. Work with a Professional Restoration Company

  • Pre-Planning with SERVPRO®: Partner with SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale before disaster strikes. We offer an Emergency Ready Profile (ERP) that helps you prepare for the unexpected. This no-cost assessment of your facility provides critical information needed to begin mitigation and recovery services immediately.
  • Priority Response: Having a plan in place with SERVPRO ensures a prioritized response, minimizing downtime and reducing the extent of damage.

8. Review and Update the Plan Regularly

  • Annual Reviews: Review and update your water loss plan annually or whenever there are significant changes to your building or operations.
  • Post-Incident Evaluation: After any water incident, evaluate the effectiveness of your response and make necessary adjustments to the plan.

Partner with SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale

Creating a water loss plan is a proactive step to safeguard your commercial building from water damage. SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale is here to help you every step of the way. From developing your Emergency Ready Profile to providing swift and professional water damage restoration services, we are your trusted partner in keeping your business running smoothly.

Contact SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale today to schedule your Emergency Ready Profile and ensure your Siloam Springs commercial building is prepared for any water emergency.

Springdale Entertainment District Relies on SERVPRO® When Water Damage Threatens

3/14/2024 (Permalink)

Air Movers and Dehumidifiers placed in commercial building State of the art equipment set in water damaged business

Businesses in the entertainment district on Emma Street in Springdale, need a trusted water damage restoration company when disaster strikes.  Heavy rains that overwhelm the roofs, gutters, and drainage systems, exposing this Springdale neighborhood to the risk of water damage. SERVPRO of Fayetteville, Springdale South, and North Washington County provides fast and dependable service to the business community when water damage occurs.
When a store or restaurant struggles with commercial water damage in the Springdale entertainment district chances are good the damage spreads to neighboring commercial businesses. Sharing common walls and sometimes foundations create opportunities for torrential rains to damage several commercial businesses.  Finding water disaster restoration contractors that understand how water travels in a building is key to a successful outcome.
Working together with SERVPRO®, as a dedicated member of your team, your business will be back up and serving customers quickly.  State of the art equipment, including powerful water extractors, submersible pumps, air movers, and dehumidifiers, are in SERVPRO’s arsenal. More importantly, the technicians who operate this equipment receive industry leading training courses throughout their employment. They understand how to assess a water damaged building and what steps to take to lessen the damage.
SERVPRO of Fayetteville, Springdale South, and North Washington County understands that businesses need to provide services and products reliably to their customers. Even during the restoration process, businesses that remain open and offering at least a basic level of service fare better than stores, theaters, and restaurants that have to close down. A swift, sure response and containment of the damage by SERVPRO avoids severe damage and ensures you are ready to open your business and serve your customers.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville, Springdale South, and North Washington County should be your first choice for any residential or commercial water damage.  Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage, identify potential threats, and respond quickly to restore your property to preloss condition.  SERVPRO of Fayetteville, Springdale South, and North Washington County is available 24/7 by calling 479-419-5544

Strategies for Water Cleanup on Hardwood Floors in Your Johnson Home

1/18/2024 (Permalink)

White dog laying on top of hardwood floors and a white fuzzy rug. SERVPRO will keep your hardwood floors perfect for you

Let us show you our strategies.

Many Johnson homeowners prefer hardwood floors, enjoying the warm look and traditional styling. When water spreads over wooden floors, quick actions to mop or absorb moisture with towels are reasonable first steps until the professionals arrive. Hesitation is the enemy of a wet floor. Every moment that water sits on the surface or trickles into the joints between planks increases the likelihood that the wood or subfloor begins to absorb moisture and swell.

Water cleanup from your Johnson residence’s hardwood floors completes most successfully when performed by our Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Reconstruction Certification (IICRC)-trained technicians. Our crews understand how the multi-level system of most hardwood floors impacts the migration of water spills or floods. A finished hardwood floor can look dry after mopping or wanded extraction while in reality, significant quantities of water percolate between and beneath the planks. 

Tearing up a floor to get access to the excess water is incredibly disruptive and costly. SERVPRO instead recommends less invasive strategies that manage to pull water from the subflooring as well as under and to the sides of each hardwood plank. If we can install air movers and dehumidifiers to create an evaporative process both across the top and below the affected floor, reduction in moisture levels results. Air movers aimed upwards in an unfinished basement can help dry the main level floor. 

 Removing sections of hardwood planks or loosening and propping them at one end to encourage warm airflow above and below can help reduce moisture. SERVPRO also employs a more efficient negative pressure floor mat system to suction water into truck-mounted extraction equipment. We take multiple moisture measurements over different areas of the floor and also complete thermal scanning if we suspect the presence of a larger pocket of hidden water. Floor mats are then sealed across expanses with high moisture content and connected with hoses to an extractor or air mover. Water cleanup proceeds as we reposition the mats when indicated. Moisture levels are updated and guide the progress of the project. 

SERVPRO of Fayetteville / Springdale uses the water cleanup industry’s best practices and innovative equipment to return your damaged home to preloss condition. Call (479) 419-5544 to arrange an assessment before damage to your hardwood floors becomes permanent.

To learn more about Johnson, click here.

Opt For Professional Water Removal In Fayetteville

9/25/2023 (Permalink)

water damage under the flooring from a drain line overflowing. Although difficult to tell, this home has water damage under the flooring from a drain line overflowing.

SERVPRO has equipment avaliable to remove water from your home

When a homeowner in Fayetteville experiences a water disaster, the list of tasks necessary to return the property to preloss condition can be long. Prioritizing projects include deciding to hire professional help for some of the jobs. Water removal requires specialized equipment, the operation of which is best managed by certified and seasoned technicians. Partner with our veteran water extraction crews for fast and efficient results.

When a pipe breaks or an appliance malfunctions, water removal is job one in your Fayetteville dwelling. Vast quantities of water can fill the room where the accident occurred over even a brief period, and migrate to other areas of your house. Ridding your property of the water relies on access to a fleet of powerful high-efficiency water pumps and extractors, rarely owned by or available to the average homeowner. Each of our service vehicles contains submersible pumps and wanded wet vacuums ready for use immediately after our production managers assess your emergency. We can start the removal process even if your power is temporarily unavailable.

Because excess water by its nature moves throughout your home after a plumbing or appliance fail, effective removal compels a thorough inspection for hidden caches of moisture. The SERVPRO water removal crews we dispatch are familiar with precision moisture measurement tools and advanced scanning technologies that locate water wherever it collected. Finding all the moisture stemming from the accident is crucial as water left to soak into structures and personal possessions leads to secondary damage such as mold growth and permanent ruin to the building materials and contents involved.

Although in theory you may feel up to the challenge of removing water on your own, the fact is our trained and experienced crews have the advantage of the speed of many hands and the confidence built on repetition and training. After only 24 to 48 hours, lingering moisture can support a burgeoning microbial outbreak. Materials like drywall crumble and hardwood swell and buckle. SERVPRO involvement provides you with the appropriate scaled response to ensure the water exits your home before irreparable damage occurs.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville / Springdale prepares our water removal crews for speedy and professional outcomes when responding to your emergency. Call us at (479) 419-5544 to schedule an assessment and institution of a comprehensive water removal plan. We answer 24/7, every day of the year.

See more about the beautiful parks in Fayetteville by clicking.

What Does Proper Water Removal Look Like In Springdale?

6/27/2023 (Permalink)

Hardwood floors SERVPRO Can Rescue Hardwood Flooring from Water Loss When Called to the Springdale Home Promptly

Pumps, Vacuums, Mats and More Are Standard Inventory on SERVPRO's Green Fleet for Rapid Water Extraction

Although it is natural to open the windows and aim a fan at the puddles when standing water invades your Springdale home, professionals stress that removing as much water as possible with pumps and extractors is the first step in appropriate water damage remediation. The time it takes to dry out a residence after a water loss directly relates to the thoroughness of the water extraction step. We know how to balance the many aspects of water removal for overall success.

Speeding through the water removal sequence after damage to your Springdale home can cause its own problems. It is critical to get our water damage experts on the scene, but no one step of the process can be skipped or only partially completed for the best outcome. Our crews train extensively on the need to follow proper protocol when planning and to proceed on your project.

SERVPRO service vehicles are stocked with powerful submersible pumps and truck-mounted wanded extractors to pull the majority of the water off floors, out of carpets, and from hidden cavities. Our technicians master moisture monitoring techniques for overall drying goals, but suctioning as much water as possible from carpets, padding, and floors is the key.

One way that SERVPRO uses evolving technology to remove water more efficiently is with negative pressure drying mats. We use these on floors, sealing the mats and then extracting the water through hoses that connect the mats to each other and the equipment to permit the suction to reach many areas. We also use weighted wands to extract as much moisture as possible from carpeting, reserving the final steps of air movers and dehumidifiers for removing that last bit only after many passes of the extractor completes.

Emphasizing water removal over structural drying means that when the time does come for the air movers, heaters, and dehumidifiers evaporation proceeds quickly. SERVPRO technicians use the science of drying efficiently, understanding that the water must be removed within 24 to 48 hours to avoid a mold growth complication to the water damage. We also encourage pack-outs when stored personal belongings interfere with airflow and are wet enough to slow the structural drying. The building recovers more quickly, and the packed-out items can get specialized attention.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville / Springdale has the equipment ready to remove the water damaging your home. Contact us at (479) 888-2403 to meet with the managers and crew members who can transform your home back to preloss condition, "Like it never even happened."

Plenty to explore in this beautiful city, click

Water Damage Hidden in Your Fayetteville Home

6/23/2023 (Permalink)

Meter showing wet readings on a wood floor Wood floor damaged by hidden water

Flooding and burst pipes are not the only type of water damage that can exist in your Fayetteville, AR, home.  Water damage that is undetected can cause just as much, if not more, destruction.  When you discover hidden water damage, contact SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale.  Our technicians have years of experience identifying the source of the water damage.  Our technicians are experts at restoring water damage in homes and businesses.  Look for these signs of water damage in your Fayetteville home.

Stains on walls and ceilings seem to appear out of nowhere.  One day you notice a discolored area on your walls or ceiling.  Some of the most common causes are roof leaks, HVAC lines or ducts, and plumbing fixtures or lines. 

Do you smell that musty odor?  Water hidden in walls or ceilings can cause mold.  That unpleasant odor is a good sign that water is present.  The source needs to identified and repaired before it becomes a huge problem.

Have you noticed paint peeling in your home?  Drywall and wood trim can absorb water causing them to expand.  As the water evaporates from the materials, they contract.  The paint may blister or peel, indicating water is where it does not belong.

Mold growing in cabinets or hidden in hard to see places is evidence water is present. 

Water can travel under flooring causing wood to warp or buckle. One of the most common causes is a small leak in a kitchen appliance.  The leak slowly reveals itself over time.  When you notice damage to your wood floor, contact SERVPRO quickly.   

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale should be your first choice for any residential or commercial restoration.  Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage, identify potential threats, respond quickly to extract the water and restore your property to preloss condition.  SERVPRO of Fayeteville/Springdale is available 24/7 by calling 479-419-5544.

Water Damage in your Bentonville Home

3/10/2023 (Permalink)

Ceiling damaged by water leak on 2nd floor Bentonville home ceiling water damage caused by water leak on the second floor

SERVPRO of Northwest Benton County is a trusted leader in the restoration industry, providing emergency water removal for residential and commercial properties.  Regardless of the source, water removal from your Bentonville home needs to be handled quickly and professionally.

SERVPRO extracts standing water at the very beginning.  Our team uses truck mounted and portable extractors to pull the water off the floors and out of carpet.  Water levels deeper than two inches in depth, we can use pumps to speed up the extraction process. 

Once the standing water is removed from the surface, our technicians check the remaining floors, walls, ceilings and crawlspaces. If significant amounts of water are found, we extract that water as well. During this process, other members of the response team move furniture and other property that might be damaged.

The last step in the drying process is removing the excess water from the surrounding air and property. Technicians use a combination of dehumidifiers and air movers to accomplish this. Commercial grade dehumidifiers can remove over 20 gallons of water from the air each day. The air movers force air over building materials, like drywall, pulling moisture into the air for the dehumidifiers to capture.

How do we know when your home is dry?  Our team uses moisture meters to measure the air and materials in your home. If the moisture levels remain high, we adjust the equipment and modify the processes until we reach acceptable levels.

SERVPRO of Northwest Benton County should be your first choice for any residential or commercial water restoration.  Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage, identify potential threats, respond quickly to extract the water and restore your property to preloss condition.  SERVPRO of Northwest Benton County is available 24/7 by calling 479-419-5544.

Water Damage from Frozen Pipes in your Springdale Home

1/18/2023 (Permalink)

Springdale home damaged by frozen pipe break.  The ceiling insulation, drywall, and furniture are damaged This flooded Springdale home was caused by frozen pipe break

SERVPRO of Springdale North, Southwest Benton County takes tremendous pride in restoring you home or business after fire, water, or mold damage has occurred.  If water from burst pipes damages your Springdale home or business, call SERVPRO of Springdale North, Southwest Benton County.  Our IICRC trained technicians will respond quickly and professionally to remove the water, dry your home or business and prevent any further damage.

In Springdale, AR, frozen pipes can lead to a huge level of water damage.  Being prepared will help you save time and money, but potentially save invaluable sentimental items.  Preventing frozen and burst pipes is preferred, calling SERVPRO of Springdale North, Southwest Benton County to provide complete frozen pipe water damage restoration is the right choice. 

SERVPRO of Springdale North, Southwest Benton County is available 24/7/365 in case water pipe breaks and water damages your home.  Our technicians respond quickly because the longer the water is in your home, the more damage it will cause.  Busted water pipes can release hundreds of gallons of water into your home.  Water left for an extended amount of time will damage flooring, trim, walls, and cabinets.  This damage could cost tens of thousands of dollars.

SERVPRO of Springdale North, Southwest Benton County should be your first choice for any residential or commercial restoration in your Springdale home or business.  Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage, identify potential threats, respond quickly to extract the water and restore your property to preloss condition.  SERVPRO of Springdale North, Southwest Benton County is available 24/7 by calling 479-419-5544.

How Water Effects Your Rogers Home

10/28/2022 (Permalink)

Water damage to room with wood floor and furniture This water damaged Rogers home has damage to wood floor, sheetrock, and furniture

Water can create serious problems for your Rogers home, and time only intensifies it.  Every issue involves time and money for the homeowner.  To solve the problem and ensure the house is correct structurally and safe to live in contact SERVPRO of Springdale North, Southwest Benton County  If your Rogers home experiences water damage, here’s what happens from a long-term leak, burst pipe, or flood.

Minutes after the event. Water spreads contaminates as it infiltrates your home, room by room.  Carpet, carpet pad and furniture become soaked and water wicks up drywall from the floor like a sponge.

Within hours, humidity levels rise, and pungent odors are noticeable.  Insulation in walls and floors my become effected.  Water soaked furniture begins to swell and fabrics will bleed or become discolored

Days after the event.  Fungi and mold start growing. Solid wood structural components begins to warp.  Wood floors are usually ruined by this time.  Paint may blister.  Wallpaper may begin peeling.  Wood structural components may begin swelling or split.

Weeks. Homes exposed to standing water for weeks, will have more widespread issues.  These may include mold.  Homes that deal with heavy long-term water exposure may need to have all the flooring, cabinets, insulation, and sheetrock removed and replaced.

Reconstruction after water damage may include replacing floors, molding, insulation, drywall and cabinets.  Structural elements may need to be replaced.  If the home is gutted and reconstruction is necessary, the costs can be overwhelming.

SERVPRO of Springdale North, Southwest Benton County should be your first choice for any residential or commercial restoration.  Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage, identify potential threats, respond quickly to extract the water and restore your property to preloss condition.  SERVPRO of Springdale North, Southwest Benton County is available 24/7 by calling 479-419-5544.

Hidden Water Damage in your Fayetteville Home

9/23/2022 (Permalink)

Fayetteville home with water damage behind kitchen cabinets and underneath flooring This Fayetteville home had hidden water damage behind cabinets and affected the subfloor

Water heater bursts or sewage backups are found quickly.  But what about water leaks that are not easily seen?  Many small, unnoticed, water leaks can cause major damage.  Appliances with slow water leaks and water lines behind walls are two of the most common sources of hidden water damage.  Call SERVPRO of Fayetteville, Springdale, and South Washington County if you believe or discover water damage in your Fayetteville home.  Our IICRC trained technicians will respond quickly and professionally to your home’s water damage.

When was the last time you checked behind or underneath your dishwasher or refrigerator?  If you are like me, maybe last year maybe longer.  Leaks can develop in water supply lines and drainpipes.  But because we can not see under these appliances, slow or small leaks can cause damage to cabinets, floor coverings, subfloors, and even cause mold growth.  This damage can go undiscovered for years.  In some cases, the damage is not discovered till the home is sold and a home inspector finds the damage.

There is a possibility for water leaks to develop wherever water supply lines and drainpipes are inside walls.  A common culprit is plumbing connections, the place where pipes attach to each other.  Because these pipes are hidden, you may not know there is water damage until water pools on the floor or the floor covering near it becomes soft or smushy.  There have been pin hole leaks in water supply lines that go unnoticed inside walls for long periods of time.  These pin hole leaks cause damage behind walls that lead to costly repairs.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville, Springdale, and South Washington County should be your first choice for any residential or commercial water damage.  Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage, identify potential threats, respond quickly to restore your property to preloss condition.  SERVPRO of Fayetteville, Springdale, and South Washington County is available 24/7 by calling 479-419-5544.

Water Damage in your Bella Vista Home

6/29/2022 (Permalink)

Water damage carpet in Bella Vista Home Carpet was damage by water leaking from the roof

SERVPRO of Northwest Benton County is here to take charge of the cleanup and restoration after water damages your Bella Vista home or business. What are the causes of water damage?  Lets look from the bottom to the top of your home, starting with the foundation.

Typically, foundations are constructed to be watertight, but in inclement weather, problems can always occur.  Water expands when freezing, and in cold temperatures, it can find its way into cracks in the foundation. From there, water can freeze, further expanding cracks. This can be a huge risk to a foundation, especially over a long period of time, and can lead to serious structural integrity problems.  Leaky foundations can be caused by water leaks and cause more water to leak into the structure

At the top of your home is the roof.  Roof leaks are typically caused by heavy rainfall coupled with improper or faulty roof drainage. Extensive rainfall, like in cases of natural disasters, can often cause large scale damage when leaking indoors.  This type of damage has the potential to worsen if it happens overnight or over a weekend, when it won’t be noticed by people passing through. Roof damage also has the potential to cause secondary damage, like mold growth in the ceilings, if progressing for too long.

SERVPRO of Northwest Benton County should be your first choice for any residential or commercial water damage restoration.  Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage, identify potential threats, respond quickly to extract the water and restore your property to preloss condition.  SERVPRO of Northwest Benton County is available 24/7 by calling 479-419-5544.

Air Conditioning Unit Causes Water Damage in Rogers Home

6/28/2022 (Permalink)

Water dripping from hole in ceiling caused by leaking A/C unit Water damage to Rogers home caused by leaking A/C unit

SERVPRO of East Benton & Carroll Counties is here to take charge of the cleanup and restoration after your air conditioner causes water damage to your Rogers home or business.  In Northwest Arkansas air conditioning is a must have.  But without regular maintenance, the A/C unit can cause significant damage to your Rogers home.  The common cause of air conditioner water damage is a clogged drain line or disconnected drain line.

The condensation drain line is a crucial part of your air conditioning system.  The A/C unit creates humidity, and the condensation line gives all the moisture a path to travel, hopefully outside of your home.  A clogged condensation line will not let the water leave your home.  When this happens, water backs up into the drain pan, eventually overflowing into your home.  This water can damage your home, causing thousands of dollars in damage. 

A disconnected drain line will cause similar water damage.  If your A/C system drain line was not installed with solid connections, you can have water leaks.  These leaks may lead to mold or a large amount of water damage.  Even if your system was installed properly, the line may come loose over time.  This is where proper maintenance is crucial. 

SERVPRO of East Benton & Carroll Counties should be your first choice for any residential or commercial water restoration.  Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage, identify potential threats, respond quickly to extract the water and restore your property to preloss condition.  SERVPRO of East Benton & Carroll Counties is available 24/7 by calling 479-419-5544.

Water Heater Burst in your Springdale Home

3/11/2022 (Permalink)

Water heater burst in this Springdale home damaging walls, cabinets, and carpet Water heater burst causing water damage in this Springdale home

You are enjoying the time with your family in your Springdale home when you hear this strange hissing noise.  As you follow the noise to the bathroom, no problem there.  Checking the utility room and kitchen, you don’t see anything wrong.  After a few minutes the hissing noise is getting louder, what can it be?  As you step into a bedroom, the water squishes up from the carpet.  Oh my gosh, there is a water leak!  You discover the water heater in your Springdale home has burst.  There are hundreds of gallons of water in your home.  Stay calm.  First thing to do is turn off the water.  Call SERVPRO of Springdale North, Southwest Benton County next.  Our experienced team will respond quickly to your water damaged home, keeping the damage to a minimum. 

SERVPRO technicians are certified in IICRC standards in water mitigation.  This nationally recognized training enables our crew members to properly identify the type and category of the water damage.  Having the training and experience to use the best equipment in the industry, our crew members will extract the water from floor coverings.  They will set equipment to dry the materials in your home that are salvageable.  The building materials that are not salvageable, will be removed.  Our crew members are conscientious when working in your home, being respectful to your family members and careful with your belongings.

SERVPRO of Springdale North, Southwest Benton County should be your first choice for any residential or commercial restoration.  Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage, identify potential threats, respond quickly to extract the water and restore your property to preloss condition.  SERVPRO of Springdale North, Southwest Benton County is available 24/7 by calling 479-419-5544.

Where does Water Damage effect My Fayetteville Home

1/28/2022 (Permalink)

Water damaged Fayetteville home, with air movers drying the structure This flooded utility room was caused by a burst hose

SERVPRO of Fayetteville, Springdale, North Washington County responds to water damaged Fayetteville homes every day.  Locating the source of the water damage is where we begin the restoration process.  SERVPRO technicians repeatedly find water damage in the same places.  Water damage is usually found near doors/windows, in ceilings, and around appliances.

There are specific places to look for water problems and damage caused by water.  Weatherproof caulking around your windows and doors can fail.  This will allow water to enter your home causing damage to sheetrock, insulation, wood trim, and floor coverings.  Roof leaks are responsible for many damaged ceilings and discolored structural pieces.  A leaking roof will cause damage to insulation, sheetrock, and structural components.  Leaking pipes under the sink or water heater will cause damage to cabinets and the surrounding area.  It is especially important to check these pipes after a freeze.  Appliances, such as washer machines, can have unnoticed slow leaks damaging floors and walls.  At other times, washer machine hoses can burst flooding your home quickly. 

SERVPRO of Fayetteville, Springdale, North Washington County was called to restore a home after a water line burst in the utility room.  Our technicians quickly identified the source and shut the water off.  The water was extracted from several rooms, baseboards were removed, and floor coverings pulled.  The technicians set air movers and dehumidifiers to dry the structure.

When you experience water damage, you will likely need professional water damage remediation to cleanup and repair the damage. 

SERVPRO of Fayetteville, Springdale South, North Washington County should be your first choice for any residential or commercial restoration.  Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage, identify potential threats, respond quickly to extract the water and restore your property to preloss condition.  SERVPRO of Fayetteville, Springdale South, North Washington County is available 24/7 by calling 479-419-5544.

Water Damage Hidden in Your Fayetteville Home

10/27/2021 (Permalink)

Wood floor damaged by hidden water

Flooding and burst pipes are not the only type of water damage that can exist in your Fayetteville home.  Water damage that is undetected can cause just as much, if not more, destruction.  When you discover hidden water damage, contact SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale.  Our technicians have years of experience identifying the source of the water damage.  Our technicians are experts at restoring water damage in homes and businesses.  Look for these signs of water damage in your Fayetteville home.

Stains on walls and ceilings seem to appear out of nowhere.  One day you notice a discolored area on your walls or ceiling.  Some of the most common causes are roof leaks, HVAC lines or ducts, and plumbing fixtures or lines. 

Do you smell that musty odor?  Water hidden in walls or ceilings can cause mold.  That unpleasant odor is a good sign that water is present.  The source needs to identified and repaired before it becomes a huge problem

Have you noticed paint peeling in your home?  Drywall and wood trim can absorb water causing them to expand.  As the water evaporates from the materials, they contract.  The paint may blister or peel, indicating water is where it does not belong.

Mold growing in cabinets or hidden in hard to see places is evidence water is present. 

Water can travel under flooring causing wood to warp or buckle. One of the most common causes is a small leak in a kitchen appliance.  The leak slowly reveals itself over time.  When you notice damage to your wood floor, contact SERVPRO quickly.   

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale should be your first choice for any residential or commercial restoration.  Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage, identify potential threats, respond quickly to extract the water and restore your property to preloss condition.  SERVPRO of Fayeteville/Springdale is available 24/7 by calling 479-419-5544.

Water Main Break in Fayetteville

9/22/2021 (Permalink)

This water main break caused major damage

Every residential and commercial structure that is connected to a city water supply has a water main leading from the street to the structure. This pipe carries sanitary drinking water.  When the City of Fayetteville experienced a break in a 36-inch water main, millions of gallons of water were lost and several homes were damaged.  If your home or business is damaged by a water main break, contact SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale to help.

If the water main breaks during the night, on a holiday or over the weekend, call SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale. Our trained technicians offer day and night service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for emergencies like this. A broken water main or burst pipe is considered an emergency because it is a health and safety hazard.

On occasion, a water line break causes a flood inside your home or business.  If the water line can be reached safely, the first step is to shut off the water supply valve.  The valve may be inside your home or outside.  If the valve will not turn by hand, a wrench or specialty tool may be needed.  The quicker the water supply is shut off, the less damage will occur to your home or business.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale should be your first choice for any residential or commercial restoration.  Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage, identify potential threats, respond quickly to extract the water and restore your property to preloss condition.  SERVPRO of Fayeteville/Springdale is available 24/7 by calling 479-419-5544.

How Long Does it Take for Wood to Rot from Water in Fayetteville?

7/1/2021 (Permalink)

If you've experienced flooding in your home, contact the water damage restoration experts at SERVPRO of Fayetteville.

Has your home been flooded from a plumbing mishap or storm? Storms and floods, water leaks, and plumbing defects in Fayetteville can cause the wood in your house to rot. So, how long does it take for wood to rot from water? It depends on several factors. If the decay goes unnoticed or isn’t addressed quickly, wood can rot and be destroyed in just a few short years. 

What Causes Wood to Rot from Water?

Water damage causes interior wood rot. Leaking roofs, burst pipes, or plumbing defects allow for water ingress into the building’s structure. Wood frames, studs, subfloors, and other wooden parts of the house are at risk of rotting away. When wood is exposed to water over a long period, wet rot takes hold. 

Does Wood Rot Spread?

For wet rot to occur in wood, the wood must contain a 30% moisture content over a long period. Fortunately, wood rot won’t spread. But if the moisture problem isn’t remediated wood rot will continue to eat away at the wood until it’s completely decayed. Taking care of the moisture content with a dehumidifier, and halting the water will stop wet wood rot. But dry rot is another story. 

What is Dry Rot?

Dry rot is a form of wood decay like wet rot. But while water is the direct cause of wet rot, fungi causes dry rot. Dry rot weakens the wood, makes it brittle, and gives the wood a blocky appearance. Dry rotted wood will crumble and splinter when you touch it. 

While moisture doesn't directly cause dry rot, it does indirectly. High humidity feeds the fungus that causes dry rot, so remediating water damage is the key to preventing this type of wood decay. Unfortunately, dry rot will spread if left unaddressed. 

Dry Rot Treatment

How can you fix dry rot? Dry rot treatment includes using epoxy, commercial antifreeze, and copper components to strengthen the wood and destroy the fungus that’s causing the dry rot. Addressing moisture issues will also prevent dry rot from taking hold. 

If your home has experienced water damage, wet and dry rot can occur and severely compromise your house's structural integrity. At SERVPRO our water damage restoration experts are here to help you. Contact us today to get help for your water damaged property as soon as possible.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale should be your first choice for any residential or commercial restoration needs. Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage and potential threats, extract and contain the affected area, dry, and restore your property to preloss condition. 

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale is available 24/7 by calling 479-318-6774.

To learn more about our IICRC certifications, visit the IICRC website.

For more about SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale, click here.

For more about the city of Fayetteville, Click here.

How to Manage a Water Heater Leak in Fayetteville

6/17/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO mitigates water FAST so that you can get back to normal after a water event.

One of the most problematic sources of water damage in Fayetteville is a failed water heater. A failed water heater causes significant damage after it fails. This could present a few safety hazards to consider before mitigation. After you've stopped the water, it's time to clean up.

Checking Your Water Heater

Before inspecting your water heater for damage or leaks, be sure that you protect yourself by taking the following safety precautions:

  • When approaching a gas water heater that you suspect has failed, make sure you do not smell any gas. Since water heaters are frequently located in unventilated and confined spaces, an accumulation of gas from a small leak could build up rapidly.
  • Turn off the water heater and its water supply.
  • Do not touch the tank itself and be mindful of the pilot light. Even a leaking water heater tank can be very hot.
  • Inspect the tank’s drain valve, which is usually located near the bottom of the tank. The drain valve should be closed and screwed on securely. If there is a leak coming from the drain valve, it might need to be replaced; this is one of the most common causes of leaks in water heaters.

Cleaning Up

Once you've stopped the flow of water, you can begin to clean up:

  • Make sure electronics and appliances in the wet area are unplugged.
  • Transfer rugs and any other movable furniture and items to a dry area.
  • Dry the floor with towels, a mop, or a shop-vac.
  • Set up fans and dehumidifiers to being circulating air and removing excess moisture.

Be sure that you consider all of the safety factors and protect yourself when beginning any cleanup procedure involving a broken water heater. Investigating, repairing and mitigating the damage caused by a leaking water heater should include basic safety precautions and thorough cleaning and drying that SERVPRO would be well-equipped to manage.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale should be your first choice for any residential or commercial restoration needs. Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage and potential threats, extract and contain the affected area, dry, and restore your property to preloss condition. 

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale is available 24/7 by calling 479-318-6774.

For more about SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale, click here.

SERVPRO Provides Businesses in the Fayetteville Area with Fast, Professional Water Removal Services

3/4/2021 (Permalink)

An in-home water emergency needs rectifying as soon as possible. Moisture naturally migrates from wet to dry meaning that the initial source of the leak can quickly become more severe by entering cavities, crawlspaces or subfloors. The time-frame for restoration works like this are more acute for commercial properties given that events can lead to a temporary closure. A closing can lead to loss of revenues as well as impacting the reputation of customer-facing industries like hotels, bars or restaurants.

The core principle when performing restoration of commercial water damage in Fayetteville is to dry the property. SERVPRO technicians are methodical in deciding the best course of action before work begins. We achieve this by investing in training and qualifications for our locally sourced technicians.

We believe that communication is essential. Many commercial properties have existed for decades and have an unusual architectural design or pre-existing issues. Our teams are led by a project manager for large-scale tasks who can communicate with you directly throughout the service. Keeping an open dialogue has helped us to work efficiently, mitigating damages and minimizing the risk of secondary issues.

For smaller instances resulting in water damages, we can quickly begin to eliminate any pooling water even as we inspect affected areas. For an incident in a public restroom, rapid water removal can prevent damage to tile flooring and sink vanities. Opening up amenities to customers is crucial to maintaining a professional and organized experience.

Getting a business ready for customers to return is also about controlling odor. Water, mainly if left overnight, can stagnate or loosen pre-existing soiling causing an unpleasant smell.
In most cases, drying a property causes odors to dissipate and become no longer noticeable. If this is not the case, we can remedy this by applying surface cleansers with deodorant properties that help to neutralize odor particles at the source. We can also utilize a ULV ultra-light fogging technique to alter offensive smelling molecules chemically.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale should be your first choice for any residential or commercial restoration needs. Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage and potential threats, extract and contain the affected area, dry, and restore your property to preloss condition. 

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale is available 24/7 by calling 479-318-6774.

To learn more about our IICRC certifications, click here.

For more about SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale, click here.

Plumbing Problems Can Cause Water Damage to your Fayetteville Home

1/1/2021 (Permalink)

If your dishwasher or garbage disposal springs a leak, you can be looking at water damage within cabinets and across your flooring in addition to compromised plumbing. Areas below your kitchen or wet bar can also sustain soaked walls and ceilings. SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale begins the recovery effort within hours of contacting us – any time of the day or night. When you place your water damage problem in our hands, we act fast, assessing the situation and making a plan that will have you back in the kitchen enjoying good times with friends and family, rather than mopping and dealing with unpleasant odors.

Dirty dishwater or food debris can swiftly change clean water to a contaminated condition. Our fast response often involves water damage due to a moisture problem. If the affected areas are saturated with gray water, or full of decaying food, microbial growth will begin in a very short timeframe. Our technicians are trained to follow the water trail, evaluating where the water may have migrated so that you are not surprised by additional damage after the obvious problem has been solved. Once we have completed our detective work, we will devise a plan that cleans and dries out all affected areas, ready for the final touches that will bring your house back to its preloss condition.

We will extract any standing water and then use proper techniques to clean and dry out cabinetry, which is essential to catch and resolve any mold or mildew growth. SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale’s professional staff is trained to remove moisture without harming hardwood or laminated flooring under sink cupboards. The tile, wood or laminate flooring in your kitchen will also need to be carefully inspected for leakage into the subflooring or ceiling below.

Airflow and gentle application of heat will be used to dry out flooring and the structures. Effectively completing these steps is dependent upon the IICRC (Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification) training that our technicians complete before entering your home. Reversing the effects of water damage is not a do-it-yourself proposition, and we are Here to Help and lend our expertise to make sure it is done correctly.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale should be your first choice for any residential or commercial restoration needs. Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage and potential threats, extract and contain the affected area, dry, and restore your property to preloss condition. 

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale is available 24/7 by calling 479-318-6774.

To learn more about our IICRC certifications, click here.

For more about SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale, click here.

When your kitchen appliances fail, SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale is the first call you should make. Our locally based water damage restoration team is available for appointments 24/7 at 479-419-5544.

How to Manage a Water Heater Leak in Springdale

10/20/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO mitigates water FAST so that you can get back to normal after a water event.

One of the most problematic sources of water damage in Springdale is a leaking water heater. Often, a failed water heater may show significant damage due to its age or environmental factors, which could present a few safety hazards to consider when checking it for leaks. After you've stopped the water, it's time to clean up.

Checking Your Water Heater

Before inspecting your water heater for damage or leaks, be sure that you protect yourself by taking the following safety precautions:

  • When approaching a gas water heater that you suspect has failed, make sure you do not smell any gas. Since water heaters are frequently located in unventilated and confined spaces, an accumulation of gas from a small leak could build up rapidly.
  • Turn off the water heater and its water supply.
  • Do not touch the tank itself and be mindful of the pilot light. Even a leaking water heater tank can be very hot.
  • Inspect the tank’s drain valve, which is usually located near the bottom of the tank. The drain valve should be closed and screwed on securely. If there is a leak coming from the drain valve, it might need to be replaced; this is one of the most common causes of leaks in water heaters.

Cleaning Up

Once you've stopped the flow of water, you can begin to clean up:

  • Make sure electronics and appliances in the wet area are unplugged.
  • Transfer rugs and any other movable furniture and items to a dry area.
  • Dry the floor with towels, a mop, or a shop-vac.
  • Set up fans and dehumidifiers to being circulating air and removing excess moisture.

Be sure that you consider all of the safety factors and protect yourself when beginning any cleanup procedure involving a broken water heater. Investigating, repairing and mitigating the damage caused by a leaking water heater should include basic safety precautions and thorough cleaning and drying that SERVPRO would be well-equipped to manage.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale should be your first choice for any residential or commercial restoration needs. Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage and potential threats, extract and contain the affected area, dry, and restore your property to preloss condition. 

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale is available 24/7 by calling 479-318-6774.

To learn more about our IICRC certifications, click here.

For more about SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale, click here.

Step by Step Guide to Water Damage Restoration in Fayetteville

9/21/2020 (Permalink)

Your guide to understanding the ins and outs of water damage restoration!

We at SERVPRO understand that having water damage in your home or business is an overwhelming experience. You have questions about what steps to take first and how the process of restoration works. Although every water damage is unique, the overall process stays the same. 

Step 1 - Emergency Contact

When you call, our representative will guide you through several questions that will help the SERVPRO Franchise Professional respond to your water emergency more quickly and efficiently. This initial contact is an important part of a fast, effective restoration.

Step 2 - Inspection and Water Damage Assessment

They carefully inspect your property’s water damage, determining the type of water damage and the areas affected. This is a crucial step to creating an effective plan of action that will result in a successful restoration.

Step 3 - Water Removal / Water Extraction

Typically, hundreds or thousands of gallons of water are removed using our powerful pumps and vacuums during the water removal process. The SERVPRO Franchise Professionals start this process as soon as possible to minimize further damage and to help prevent mold growth.

Step 4 - Drying and Dehumidification

After the bulk of the water has been removed, SERVPRO Franchise Professionals use specialized equipment to target the water that’s harder to access. They use less intrusive, scientific drying methods to draw the remaining water and moisture from your property with air movers and dehumidifiers.

Step 5 - Cleaning and Sanitizing

Water damage also affects your belongings, like furniture, clothing, and personal items. SERVPRO Franchise Professionals can clean restorable items using a number of specialized cleaning techniques. They also sanitize with antimicrobial treatments and remove odors using industrial air scrubbers and fogging equipment.

Step 6 - Restoration

The last step is restoring your home or business back to its pre-water damage condition. The restoration step can be relatively minor, such as replacing a few drywall panels, or could include major reconstruction, such as rebuilding entire rooms of a home or business.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale should be your first choice for any residential or commercial restoration needs. Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage and potential threats, extract and contain the affected area, dry, and restore your property to preloss condition. 

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale is available 24/7 by calling 479-318-6774.

To learn more about our IICRC certifications, click here.

For more about SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale, click here.

Prevent Water Damage from Toilets in your Springdale Home

7/1/2020 (Permalink)

If you have regular blockages or backups from your sewer, even after having the pipes cleaned, you may have a bigger issue at hand.

Common toilet plumbing issues can lead to water damage. Plumbing problems can be prevented by regular plumbing maintenance. Take care of plumbing problems as soon as they arise in order to prevent water damage from your toilet. Follow the IBHS recommendations to avoid costly water damage restoration and repairs.

Toilet Maintenance

Water damage in your bathroom can drain your wallet, which is why IBHS urges property owners to complete preventive maintenance before trouble strikes. IBHS has identified the leading causes of water damage and develop solutions.

Toilet Failure

  • The study found that most toilet failures cost upwards of $5,500 per incident after the deductible was paid.
  • One-third of all toilet failures in the study resulted from an overflowing or clogged toilet.

Ways to Reduce Damage

  • Be patient after you flush and wait for the valve to completely finish refilling the tank and bowl. If an overflow looks imminent, lift off the tank cover and lift the float to shut off water flow to the tank, and then turn off the supply valve.
  • Twice a year, inspect a toilet’s components, such as the fill, supply and flush valves and the supply line. Make sure that you can turn off the supply. If you have older screw type valves that are hard to turn or start leaking, consider replacing them with simpler ball valves that are easy to shut off quickly.

Tip: It is a good idea to look over your insurance policy and familiarize yourself with any exclusion to your water damage coverage. For instance, most policies cover sudden damage, like water damage from a really bad storm or from an overflowing washing machine. On the other hand, any water damage that happens because you didn’t maintain the property may be excluded, as well as gradual leaks that caused water damage over time.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale should be your first choice for any residential or commercial restoration needs. Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage and potential threats, extract and contain the affected area, dry, and restore your property to preloss condition. 

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale is available 24/7 by calling 479-318-6774.

To learn more about our IICRC certifications, click here.

For more about SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale, click here.

Water Damage Timeline for How SERVPRO Mitigates Water in Springdale

6/18/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO can mitigate water FAST! By calling us as soon as you notice the water damage, means that we can get there sooner!

Within Minutes

  • Water quickly spreads throughout your property, saturating everything in its path.
  • Water is absorbed into walls, floors, upholstery, and belongings.
  • Furniture finishes may bleed, causing permanent staining on carpets.
  • Photographs, books, and other paper goods start to swell.

Hours 1 - 24:

  • Drywall begins to swell and break down.
  • Metal surfaces begin to tarnish.
  • Furniture begins to swell and crack.
  • Dyes and inks from cloth and paper goods spread.
  • An odor appears.

48 Hours to 1 Week:

  • Mold and mildew may grow and spread.
  • Doors, windows, and studs swell and warp.
  • Metal begins to rust and corrode.
  • Furniture warps and shows signs of mold.
  • Paint begins to blister.
  • Wood flooring swells and warps.
  • Bio-hazard contamination is possible.

More Than 1 Week:

  • Restoration time and cost increase dramatically.  Replacing contaminated materials and structural rebuilding may be extensive.
  • Structural safety, mold growth, and contaminants can pose serious risks to occupants.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale should be your first choice for any residential or commercial restoration needs. Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage and potential threats, extract and contain the affected area, dry, and restore your property to preloss condition. 

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale is available 24/7 by calling 479-318-6774.

To learn more about our IICRC certifications, click here.

For more about SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale

Just a little water = Major cleanup

4/13/2020 (Permalink)

Sometimes it doesn’t take much water to do grave damage.

A mop and some simple household cleaning products may not be enough for black water. SERVPRO is trained to safely clean and restore your home, utilizing the following procedures:

  • Identify the Source/Type of Water
  • Measure Temperature and Humidity for Drying
  • Survey the Extent of Damage
  • Perform Emergency Water Extraction
  • Move Furniture
  • Provide Floor Service
  • Inspect Carpet Pad/Carpet and Provide Service
  • Apply Necessary Treatments (Disinfectants/Deodorization)
  • Utilize Dying Equipment and Monitor Drying
  • Dispose of damaged materials

Emergency mitigation means that SERVPRO is on-site within four hours to begin drying and decontaminating your home and restorable content. 

SERVPRO is trained and understands how to manage the drying process. By utilizing the proper equipment and moisture measuring devices, a structure is quickly and thoroughly dried, which helps prevent secondary water damages. 

Safety First

Abiding by OSHA guidelines and all applicable health regulations, SERVPRO removes moisture, sewage, and contaminants, disinfecting and deodorizing as they safely clean your home and restorable belongings. 

Water damage in your home is never a good thing. 

Especially when the water contains potentially harmful bacteria that can affect the health of your family and the value of your home. Toilet overflows, sewage backups and other dark water intrusions are more than nasty, smelly messes; these biohazardous damages also introduce harmful microorganisms into a home, as well as the moisture necessary to support their growth. 

SERVPRO understands how disruptive black water damages can be for your entire family. For this reason, SERVPRO offers 24-hour emergency response, and, under normal circumstances, will have trained, uniformed technicians on-site of water damage within four hours to begin emergency mitigation services. By responding quickly with a full line of water cleanup and restoration services, SERVPRO can help you regain control quickly while drying, deodorizing and protecting your home and belongings. 

So, before you risk your health by attempting to clean up the mess yourself, call your local water damage cleanup and restoration experts at SERVPRO.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale should be your first choice for any residential or commercial restoration needs. Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage and potential threats, extract and contain the affected area, dry, and restore your property to preloss condition. 

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale is available 24/7 by calling 479-318-6774.

To learn more about our IICRC certifications, click here.

For more about SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale, click here.

Where to Look For Water Damage

1/9/2020 (Permalink)

Water damage can come from many different places. Use this list to check your home for unforeseen moisture.

Water damage can come from many different places and is not just a problem for people living near bodies of water. While flood damage is pretty apparent, there are many ways water damage can happen to your home when you don’t even realize it.

Here are some common causes of water damage and how you can spot the warning signs.


Weather is a common cause of water damage. Rain, snow and ice cause flooding that can get into your home. Ice is an especially insidious cause of water damage because it expands as it freezes, causing cracks that allow more water to enter your home. Even if it isn’t raining or snowing there is still moisture in the air. Damp air can lead to condensation and water damage to your walls. This is especially true of basements, bathrooms, and other damp areas of your home that have stagnant airflow.

Appliances and Plumbing

Appliances like your washing machine, garbage disposal, water heater, toilet, and air conditioner can all contribute to water damage if they leak or stop draining properly.

Water from our pipes and plumbing systems can also cause water damage. Leaks and drips can go on for months, or even years, raising your water bill and leaving hidden damage in your home.

If these are all the ways water can sneak into your home, what are the signs of water damage?

Here are a few warning signs that you have a water damage problem in your home.

Standing water – Obviously, standing water is alarming and will most likely get your attention quickly, unless it’s in a low-traffic part of your home (like a basement or attic). If you notice standing water, it is very important to take immediate action to limit the damage.

Bad smells – While water doesn’t normally have much of a smell, the mold and bacteria that grow in damp environments can give off a distinct musty, wet odor. If you smell mold or mildew you might have a water issue.

Stains and spots – Stains on the ceilings or walls can be a sign of water damage. You might have a leaky pipe or roof. Call a professional to determine the cause of the problem and to clean up the damage before it becomes a serious mold problem.

Peeling paint – Paint damaged by water will start to peel, bubble, or flake off.

Uneven surfaces – Water damage can cause floors, ceilings, walls, and other surfaces to warp and feel uneven.

Cracks – Water can enter through cracks in your home. Once water finds its way in, the crack will expand allowing even more to get into your home. Make sure you seal all visible cracks on your property to prevent this issue.

If you find that you have hidden moisture in your home, call SERVPRO at 479-419-5544. SERVPRO is a 24/7 Emergency Service for Water, Fire, Mold and Smoke mitigation and remediation.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale should be your first choice for any residential or commercial restoration needs. Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage and potential threats, extract and contain the affected area, dry, and restore your property to preloss condition. 

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale is available 24/7 by calling 479-318-6774.

For more about SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale, click here.

How to Ensure your Springdale Home is Protected from Heavy Rain.

10/15/2019 (Permalink)

Water Extraction performed by SERVPRO is the right choice!

In the event of a rainstorm, you expect that your home is where you will stay nice and dry without worry of you or your belongings getting wet. Sometimes, water and moisture can enter your home anyways. Have you checked the seals on your windows and doors? Seals are critically important to keeping the water outside of your home instead of puddling up inside. Did you know the shingles on your home are only expected to last for 20-30 years? It’s always important to check if you’ve lost shingles after a big storm, because once they are gone, you are even more susceptible to water damage inside your home.

What to do if you are experiencing water in your home:

  • Call SERVPRO
  • Re-seal windows
  • Re-seal door
  • Adding overhangs to doors and windows
  • Look for missing shingles on the roof after storms
  • Clean any gutters that are blocked with leaves and debris

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale should be your first choice for any residential or commercial restoration needs. Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage and potential threats, extract and contain the affected area, dry, and restore your property to preloss condition. 

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale is available 24/7 by calling 479-318-6774.

For more about SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale, click here.

How to Perform Annual Maintenance on your Water Heater

9/10/2019 (Permalink)

Your water heater is an important appliance that is costly. By taking care of your water heater, you can get the most out of the lifespan of yours.

Step 1: Test the pressure relief valve on the top or side of the water heater. This valve will open if the internal pressure of the tank gets too high.

Step 2: Place a bucket under the valve and turn it. If the valve does not release water, you need to replace the valve.

Step 3: Next, close the cold water supply pipe that feeds the water heater.

Step 4: Turn on the hot water at any faucet to release the pressure inside the heater’s tank. Leave faucet on until you are finished.

Step 5: Electric Water Heaters – turn off the power to the main panel.

Gas Water Heaters – turn the gas control dial to “off”

Step 6: Drain Sediments from the Hot Water by releasing about 2-3 gallons of hot water from

the tank. These sediments build up over time and can mean a short life-span for your water heater and less efficiency and higher bills for you. Let the water flow until the water being released is free of sediments.

Step 7: Don’t worry about gurgling or groaning noises coming from the heater; it’s just air

entering the system as water drains out.

Step 8: To restart the water heater, open the shutoff valve and let the hot water run at any

faucet to force air out of the system.

Step 9: Turn on the power or re-light the pilot.

Step 10: Set water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale should be your first choice for any residential or commercial restoration needs. Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage and potential threats, extract and contain the affected area, dry, and restore your property to preloss condition. 

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale is available 24/7 by calling 479-318-6774.

For more about SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale, click here.

Hardwood Floor Water Cleanup Strategies for Your Johnson Residence

7/7/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO will keep your hardwood floors perfect for you.

Let us show you our strategies.

Many Johnson homeowners prefer hardwood floors, enjoying the warm look and traditional styling. When water spreads over wooden floors, quick actions to mop or absorb moisture with towels are reasonable first steps until the professionals arrive. Hesitation is the enemy of a wet floor. Every moment that water sits on the surface or trickles into the joints between planks increases the likelihood that the wood or subfloor begins to absorb moisture and swell.

Water cleanup from your Johnson residence’s hardwood floors completes most successfully when performed by our Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Reconstruction Certification (IICRC)-trained technicians. Our crews understand how the multi-level system of most hardwood floors impacts the migration of water spills or floods. A finished hardwood floor can look dry after mopping or wanded extraction while in reality, significant quantities of water percolate between and beneath the planks. 

Tearing up a floor to get access to the excess water is incredibly disruptive and costly. SERVPRO instead recommends less invasive strategies that manage to pull water from the subflooring as well as under and to the sides of each hardwood plank. If we can install air movers and dehumidifiers to create an evaporative process both across the top and below the affected floor, reduction in moisture levels results. Air movers aimed upwards in an unfinished basement can help dry the main level floor. 

 Removing sections of hardwood planks or loosening and propping them at one end to encourage warm airflow above and below can help reduce moisture. SERVPRO also employs a more efficient negative pressure floor mat system to suction water into truck-mounted extraction equipment. We take multiple moisture measurements over different areas of the floor and also complete thermal scanning if we suspect the presence of a larger pocket of hidden water. Floor mats are then sealed across expanses with high moisture content and connected with hoses to an extractor or air mover. Water cleanup proceeds as we reposition the mats when indicated. Moisture levels are updated and guide the progress of the project. 

SERVPRO of Fayetteville / Springdale uses the water cleanup industry’s best practices and innovative equipment to return your damaged home to preloss condition. Call (479) 419-5544 to arrange an assessment before damage to your hardwood floors becomes permanent.

To learn more about Johnson, click here.

Our Certified Technicians Are Prepared To Restore Your Fayetteville Home After A Water Damage Disaster

6/12/2019 (Permalink)

This property experienced significant water damage. Our technicians did a water damage assessment and created a restoration plan.

Advantages of a Pack-Out During Water Damage Remediation in Fayetteville

A burst pipe or water heater rupture harms more than floors and walls in your Fayetteville house. If you store items in the lower stories of your home or you have living spaces at or below the level where the water loss occurred, significant soaking of your furnishings, household goods, or personal possessions is probable. Moving these articles away from the water during structural remediation is an excellent option.

A pack-out of movable property to our production facility for evaluation streamlines water damage cleanup inside your Fayetteville residence. It also allows for a careful evaluation of the condition of articles and the likelihood the packed-out items can be restored. The technicians at our headquarters complete training from the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC), mastering strategies that clean, dry, and restore vital and treasured items to preloss function and appearance.

When a SERVPRO pack-out clears furnishings and other contents out of the water-damaged areas, our crews have no impediments as we complete water removal and structural drying. We focus on fast water evacuation, using pumps for depths of two or more inches and wanded extractors for the rest. Using sensitive moisture meters and thermal imaging, we detect the location of hidden pockets of water for removal and the wetness of building materials to set drying goals.

The pack-out procedure uses our Contents Claim Inventory Service (CCIS) to document what we move. Lists, digital photos, and barcoding form the inventory and track progress.

At our facility, SERVPRO technicians assess the packed-out items, developing plans to return them to your home or to dispose of them. We work with your insurance carrier throughout the process, providing support for any claims made.

Items you feared ruined stand a good chance of restoration as SERVPRO uses innovative techniques and equipment. Photos and papers such as books and documents respond well to freeze-drying, a method that removes the moisture it returning to a liquid state. Industrial washing and drying systems bring everything from window treatments to a child’s favorite teddy bear back to life.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville / Springdale uses the training, equipment, and experience we possess to get your home and its contents to “Like it never even happened.” after a water loss. Call our team at (479) 419-5544 to schedule an assessment.

See more about Fayetteville.

Must Have Resources for Water Damage Remediation in Springdale

4/30/2019 (Permalink)

Water damage can take over any home very quickly. Don't wait long. Contact the certified technicians at SERVPRO for all your remediation needs.

Identifying Water Damage Inside Springdale Homes

Water damage threats can pose significant risks to Springdale homes, especially when homeowners choose to clean and dry these damages on their own. Inadequate cleanup and moisture removal can lead to worsening conditions which can ultimately be hazardous for families, not to mention continuing to degrade and decompose structural elements, construction materials, and the exposed contents of the residence.

Many techniques must get employed for water damage in Springdale homes to get successfully and thoroughly addressed. Without the use of these machines, products, and practices, you can often remain unaware and oblivious to effects and damage occurring out of your immediate line of sight. Our SERVPRO professionals not only have the complete training to handle all facets of water loss recoveries in homes throughout our area, but we can also work to double check our efforts to ensure our successes during the restoration process.

We utilize two approaches to determine moisture content in wall cavities and materials to help us determine our successful removal of dampness and damage. The first of these devices is a moisture detection device. Much like a stud finder can indicate the presence of wood framing behind drywall, devices that our team uses emits electromagnetic waves and measures the resistance in their return to determine moisture content in the materials affected. This sophisticated equipment can help us also to decide when a certain structural element could be too saturated or damaged to preserve.

Thermal imagery is another path that our SERVPRO professionals utilize to indicate the presence of moisture pockets throughout affected and exposed areas of your home. Much of the damage in many water loss incidents can occur out of sight, so seeing a temperature array to detail the presence of moisture and dampness in challenging areas can help to determine the best points for installing drying equipment.

While our sophisticated tools can make it easy to determine the presence of moisture and dampness in your home, waiting too long to choose professional cleanup and recovery can be a costly and hazardous mistake. Give our SERVPRO of Fayetteville / Springdale rapid response team a call 24/7 at (479) 419-5544.

Click here for more information about the city of Springdale.

Restore Your Fayetteville Home After Water Damage

1/17/2019 (Permalink)

This ceiling is in need of repair after water damage has occurred.

Recovering Your Fayetteville Home After a Water Loss Incident

Water loss incidents can cause significant structural concerns for your Fayetteville home, and restoring the damage that it can cause often requires more precise equipment and expertise than the average homeowner can provide. Cleaning up excess water quickly is critical to ensuring that the situation does not perpetually get worse, and our certified professionals can help you.

While water removal might only be a step of recovering from a water loss incident in your Fayetteville home, having this step done quickly and correctly is important to protect the rest of your home that remains at risk from the spreading damage. Our SERVPRO professionals have containment strategies for the water damage that begins with effective extraction and continue into efficient and time-saving drying efforts.

Extraction involves multiple pieces of equipment that arrive with our SERVPRO Green Fleet. For severe situations, we have a truck-mounted extractor that can remove water at a rate of 300 psi to rapidly remove excess to prepare your home for focused drying efforts. Spot extractions can get handled with portable sump pumps and extraction wands. Effective extraction works to save our customers money and helps the technicians we dispatch to the address to recover more of the property without unnecessary tear out and demolition.

We take the time to mark overly damaged materials affected by the pooling water to make flood cuts. The commonly removed material in these situations is the drywall, as the composition of this structural element can become compromised quickly with exposure to water. We use controlled demolition techniques to remove only the damaged portions to make replacement take less time and ultimately cost less to the customer to complete.

Finding the best team to help you through water loss incidents and the critical extraction and drying to come is not difficult. Our SERVPRO of Fayetteville / Springdale rapid response team is available 24/7 to handle any effect that water damage has on your property. We have the tools and experience to restore your home entirely and make it “Like it never even happened.” Give us a call at (479) 419-5544.

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The Steps Our Team Of Experts Take To Restore Your Water Damaged Home In Fayetteville

12/4/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Fayetteville / Springdale is uniquely positioned to support our customers through all phases of water damage cleanup.

Many Steps Taken On The Path To Comprehensive Water Cleanup In Fayetteville

When your Fayetteville home experiences a water loss, it is tempting to treat the cleanup as a simple matter. Mopping up the water or opening some windows while getting the fans going is a natural impulse and is recommended on some online sites. Homeowners who chose one tactic or the other might feel that their efforts take care of the problem. Water damage mitigation is more complicated than a few minutes of squeegeeing or airing out wet spaces. We can help.

Water cleanup in Fayetteville becomes necessary because of a variety of ordinary reasons. The intensity of the problem also varies and can change if not resolved completely. For example, a leaky pipe under your sink can seep for an extended period without notice but eventually breaks, sending water spreading throughout your kitchen. The wisest response is to contact our team rather than manage it yourself.

SERVPRO’s experienced crew of water mitigation technicians deals with the kitchen flooding and then finds the damage under the cabinets from the original leaking as they move through all the steps to clean up the water. Removing the kickboard at the base of the cabinet reveals a hidden pool of water that collected underneath. The structure of the cabinet is deeply saturated and might be showing signs of warping or deterioration.

This kind of issue is more frequent than you think and is why is it essential to spend time exploring the dimensions of the water damage, including using moisture meters or infrared scanners to “see” beyond the obvious puddle on the kitchen floor. Once SERVPRO removes all the water, visible and hidden, we then plan for structural drying. Extractors and pumps switch to air movers, heaters, and dehumidifiers to reduce moisture levels to normal readings.

One unfortunate side effect of unresolved water damage can be mold. If we discern microbial growth during a job, our technicians are trained to adapt the plan to include remediation efforts. SERVPRO is a full-service restoration company, permitting us to react professionally and appropriately to any unforeseen issues during a project.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville / Springdale is uniquely positioned to support our customers through all phases of water damage cleanup. Call us at (479) 888-2134 any time of the day or night for an evaluation of your water loss.

Click here for more about Fayetteville.

Why Ignoring Water Damage in a Johnson Home Will Cost You More in the Long Run

10/21/2018 (Permalink)

When the home is facing water damage, don't delay in calling SERVPRO. You could be preventing a mold infestation in your home with your quick action.

Unmitigated Water Damage can Affect Your Home in Johnson

SERVPRO helps families and businesses in Johnson by performing necessary mitigation and restoration work. Damage can happen to homes and other buildings under diverse circumstances. When water is involved, we act as quickly as possible to keep damage minimized.
Some of the events involve water damage in Johnson. When this type of damage seems slight to the property owner, many times people assume it will simply dry out and everything will be fine once it does. When a large quantity of water invades a home, drying out without some help can lead to other problems related directly to the water's presence.
Also, forcing something to dry too quickly can also increase the amount of damaging changes it experiences. Such changes become permanent. These include warping and cracking of wood products. Flooring must dry steadily and we have the equipment specifically designed to extract moisture at a steady rate. Heating these aspects of your home helps ensure that interior areas give up the moisture retained so the items dry correctly and with as little alterations as possible.
Some forms of water damage that we see affects drywall. This highly porous material absorbs moisture easily and when this occurs, the material is often ruined. However, when water comes into contact with drywall and we know to respond immediately after the incident, we can often keep swelling and disintegration from affecting too much of the wet material.
Water damage can also cause your home to smell 'off.' We address the issue of odors where they begin when we can locate the exact location. When water damage causes unwanted odors, we often use our hydroxyl generating equipment. This gas is safe and highly effective. It is safe enough that occupants do not need to leave the area while we treat it. It neutralizes odors and leaves the home with a pleasant, light scent instead. The effect is permanent.
SERVPRO of Fayetteville / Springdale is always ready to assist homeowners in Harmon and Elkins by mitigating water damage and the effects it can cause in the residential setting. Contact us by calling (479) 419-5544. This is our 24-hour service line, and we answer calls every day of the year.
Click here for more about Johnson.

What Does Proper Water Removal Look Like In Springdale?

9/4/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Can Rescue Hardwood Flooring from Water Loss When Called to the Springdale Home Promptly

Pumps, Vacuums, Mats and More Are Standard Inventory on SERVPRO's Green Fleet for Rapid Water Extraction

Although it is natural to open the windows and aim a fan at the puddles when standing water invades your Springdale home, professionals stress that removing as much water as possible with pumps and extractors is the first step in appropriate water damage remediation. The time it takes to dry out a residence after a water loss directly relates to the thoroughness of the water extraction step. We know how to balance the many aspects of water removal for overall success.

Speeding through the water removal sequence after damage to your Springdale home can cause its own problems. It is critical to get our water damage experts on the scene, but no one step of the process can be skipped or only partially completed for the best outcome. Our crews train extensively on the need to follow proper protocol when planning and to proceed on your project.

SERVPRO service vehicles are stocked with powerful submersible pumps and truck-mounted wanded extractors to pull the majority of the water off floors, out of carpets, and from hidden cavities. Our technicians master moisture monitoring techniques for overall drying goals, but suctioning as much water as possible from carpets, padding, and floors is the key.

One way that SERVPRO uses evolving technology to remove water more efficiently is with negative pressure drying mats. We use these on floors, sealing the mats and then extracting the water through hoses that connect the mats to each other and the equipment to permit the suction to reach many areas. We also use weighted wands to extract as much moisture as possible from carpeting, reserving the final steps of air movers and dehumidifiers for removing that last bit only after many passes of the extractor completes.

Emphasizing water removal over structural drying means that when the time does come for the air movers, heaters, and dehumidifiers evaporation proceeds quickly. SERVPRO technicians use the science of drying efficiently, understanding that the water must be removed within 24 to 48 hours to avoid a mold growth complication to the water damage. We also encourage pack-outs when stored personal belongings interfere with airflow and are wet enough to slow the structural drying. The building recovers more quickly, and the packed-out items can get specialized attention.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville / Springdale has the equipment ready to remove the water damaging your home. Contact us at (479) 888-2403 to meet with the managers and crew members who can transform your home back to preloss condition, "Like it never even happened."

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Water Cleanup And Build-Back Restoration For Your Johnson Home

8/2/2018 (Permalink)

Sometimes the damage done by an emergency to your home needs more than straightforward water removal and drying.

Water Cleanup And Build-Back Restoration

Sometimes the damage done by an emergency to your Johnson residence needs more than straightforward water removal and drying. The stress of finding a reliable water removal company can be surpassed by the anxiety of engaging a construction firm when the first business limits its help to remediation only. Our company offers both high-quality water cleanup and build-back restoration, streamlining the process.

Before a homeowner can even think about reconstruction for a Johnson home, water cleanup must complete. Regardless of how the water invaded your home, it must be contained and removed fast. The timeline needs to be short because the materials used for most housing construction are particularly vulnerable to water damage. Framing and supportive structures, as well as floors, usually are wood and metal, both of which begin to break down when saturated with water. Wood swells and metal oxidizes, both losing tensile strength if remediation is slow.

Many other structural components are made of cellulose derivatives such as drywall, ceiling tiles, or laminates. SERVPRO crews work tirelessly to pump out and extract the water damaging your home, but some of these materials begin to crumble, dissolve, or split apart after just a few hours of water exposure. We also need to remove sections of some of these materials to reach hidden caches of water in the cavities behind walls and under and above floors and ceilings. For example, when several inches of water floods a space, our crew might determine to make “flood cuts” above the water line to permit our drying equipment to access the spaces between walls.

Before your home can achieve the “Like it never even happened.” condition SERVPRO promises, these deteriorated materials and removed sections need rebuilding. Our roster of employees includes crews with training and experience in the construction industry that can make the repairs and replace the missing materials so that we can complete the restoration. We believe this service is key to reducing the stress felt by our customers as they struggle with all the aspects of moving past the water disaster that impelled your initial call to us.

For a full-spectrum water cleanup and build-back of damaged structural components, SERVPRO of Fayetteville / Springdale is the local restoration industry choice. Contact us at (479) 419-5544 to see how we can take your home from apparent ruin to ready for the final touches that bring it back to preloss condition.

Click here for more about Johnson.

Opt For Professional Water Removal In Fayetteville

6/6/2018 (Permalink)

Although difficult to tell, this home has water damage under the flooring from a drain line overflowing. With the proper tools, our technicians were a

SERVPRO has equipment avaliable to remove water from your home

When a homeowner in Fayetteville experiences a water disaster, the list of tasks necessary to return the property to preloss condition can be long. Prioritizing projects include deciding to hire professional help for some of the jobs. Water removal requires specialized equipment, the operation of which is best managed by certified and seasoned technicians. Partner with our veteran water extraction crews for fast and efficient results.

When a pipe breaks or an appliance malfunctions, water removal is job one in your Fayetteville dwelling. Vast quantities of water can fill the room where the accident occurred over even a brief period, and migrate to other areas of your house. Ridding your property of the water relies on access to a fleet of powerful high-efficiency water pumps and extractors, rarely owned by or available to the average homeowner. Each of our service vehicles contains submersible pumps and wanded wet vacuums ready for use immediately after our production managers assess your emergency. We can start the removal process even if your power is temporarily unavailable.

Because excess water by its nature moves throughout your home after a plumbing or appliance fail, effective removal compels a thorough inspection for hidden caches of moisture. The SERVPRO water removal crews we dispatch are familiar with precision moisture measurement tools and advanced scanning technologies that locate water wherever it collected. Finding all the moisture stemming from the accident is crucial as water left to soak into structures and personal possessions leads to secondary damage such as mold growth and permanent ruin to the building materials and contents involved.

Although in theory you may feel up to the challenge of removing water on your own, the fact is our trained and experienced crews have the advantage of the speed of many hands and the confidence built on repetition and training. After only 24 to 48 hours, lingering moisture can support a burgeoning microbial outbreak. Materials like drywall crumble and hardwood swell and buckle. SERVPRO involvement provides you with the appropriate scaled response to ensure the water exits your home before irreparable damage occurs.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville / Springdale prepares our water removal crews for speedy and professional outcomes when responding to your emergency. Call us at (479) 419-5544 to schedule an assessment and institution of a comprehensive water removal plan. We answer 24/7, every day of the year.

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Why Water Removal is Key to Returning Your Springdale Property to Its Pre-Loss State

2/28/2018 (Permalink)

Water damage can be overwhelming, but with the help of SERVPRO your home can return to its pre loss state "Like it never even happened."

Rely on SERVPRO for Thorough and Efficient Water Removal Services

If you fail to perform water removal, with time the moisture seeps into your valuables, and permanent damage may result. Despite the usual stress that water disasters bring along, you need to stay calm and seek urgent professional help. Stopping the source of the moisture and doing an immediate inspection is necessary as you work towards mitigating the destruction that your Springdale is likely to suffer.

Our SERVPRO technicians perform water removal procedures in Springdale with the aim of mitigating the damage and salvaging contents. Remember, water always moves into hidden areas such as shafts, crawl spaces, and wall cavities and that calls for immediate action. By using tools such as moisture meters and detectors, we can identify the level of damage.

If your home has mechanical systems and it happens that they have come into contact with black or gray water, we immediately shut them down to prevent any possible transmission of contaminants. During the cleaning process, we protect system components such as bearings, filters, and motors to prevent them from coming into contact with debris and water intrusion.

For instance, if we have to clean your HVAC system for one reason or the other, then vacuuming may be an option. Our SERVPRO technicians carefully remove debris and dirt from all the mounts, frames, supports and all the components. Hand scrubbing also helps in eliminating dirt. When we come across system components that are hard to clean, we may pressure wash. Once we finish cleaning all parts, we make sure there is no wet surfaces or standing water in the system.

Our SERVPRO team also cleans, disinfects and flushes floor sumps and drains. Sometimes when flooding takes place, the water pressure within the plumbing systems may reverse and cause the possibility to contaminate the water in cold and hot pipes. If that happens, we may use a chemical solution to disinfect the lines. Once we clean and dry the surfaces, we perform deodorization to lower the chances of mold growth and eliminate bad smells.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville / Springdale is a trusted industry leader in storm, water, mold and fire damage restoration. Call us at (479) 419-5544 if you want us to make it "Like it never even happened."  

Click here for more about Springdale.

Rapid Water Removal Helps Protect Homes in Springdale from More Extensive Damage

2/12/2018 (Permalink)

If you have a broken pipe or an appliance failure that brings water into your home, contact SERVPRO for quick drying out and remediation services.

Quick Drying Services After Water Damage Can Help Prevent a Mold Infestation

Just as quickly as water can spring forth out of a broken water line or a busted connection between a feed line and an appliance, damages begin accruing inside your Springdale home. The pressure in a pipe can force thousands of gallons of water into your kitchen, bath, or basement, quickly covering the floor in several inches of water.

Homeowners who encounter this situation can help save their home by calling a professional water removal company in Springdale. The quicker a homeowner calls SERVPRO, the faster we can arrive, resulting in less damage to their home and a decreased expense overall.

Because water changes as it enters the environment, evaporating and becoming humidity in the air, for example, it rarely remains in one place. Unless we remove it quickly, soon after the accident, moisture can travel throughout your home. This movement can cause problems in other locations of your home. Sometimes, these can show up months in the future, giving homeowners a false sense of security.

When we receive a call requesting water removal, we know that our job involves more than pumping out gallons of water from a home and mopping and drying floors. We want your home's usual dryness level restored, in every area, and in all structures. To help us determine where moisture might exist, we use both infrared thermal imaging devices and moisture detectors. Many homeowners find it surprising that many walls seem dry when touched, but our instruments reveal the presence of moisture. After we finish drying out these sections of walls, we reassess, showing that the wall now contains no moisture.

To dry out walls, floors, and other components of your home, we bring in air movers to speed up the circulation of your home's indoor environment, heaters to speed up evaporation, and dehumidifiers to remove moisture from the air. At times, we use desiccant machines, also. When weather conditions bring dry air into our area, we often recommend opening windows and doors to allow the process to proceed at an even quicker pace.

When broken pipes or leaking appliances take over your home in Springdale, Harmon, or Tontitown, calling SERVPRO of Fayetteville / Springdale at our 24-hour service line, (479) 419-5544, can help get everything back under control again.

Click here for more information about the city of Springdale. 

Do Not Wait To Arrange For Water Removal In Tontitown

12/22/2017 (Permalink)

If not removed quickly, water accidents threaten severe damage.

Do Not Wait For Water Removal

Water is a necessity of life, and we use it inside our Tontitown homes for drinking, bathing, cleaning, and our sanitary systems, among other things. Because the pipes, basins, and appliances that use water are everywhere in our dwellings, the chances are good that water spills and leaks frequently. If not removed quickly, water accidents threaten severe damage.

Although a homeowner can mop up a minor spill easily when larger quantities invade areas of your Tontitown house, water removal by professionals becomes necessary. A burst pipe or overflowing washing machine sends gallons of water across floors. Water then follows the paths of least resistance, flowing into the cracks and joints of your structure where it soaks in and hides in recesses. Our well-trained technicians have the skills and the tools to find and remove water fast no matter where it migrates after the event.

The SERVPRO crew assigned to your project locates all water that needs removal, both the obvious areas and the pockets that may lie under flooring and between walls. We use moisture meters and scanners that pinpoint pooled water behind obstructions. Using pumps and extractors, crew members pull water out and then we use air movers and dehumidifiers to dry out the structure.

Industry experts warn that as time passes water damage accelerates the deterioration of structural materials and contents. Even a day or two of waiting risks collateral damage such as mold growth. Water that was relatively clean becomes progressively dirtier as days go by, contaminated with microbes and substances that mix with the water, including dirt, cleaning products, and other chemicals on surfaces or in crevices, and a host of other debris. SERVPRO scales up our response to eliminate the water swiftly, minimizing the time contaminants have to taint it.

We monitor the quality of the water as we remove it, and decide to contain and dispose of gray or black water according to local codes if required by law. Using SERVPRO as your water removal partner offers a level of experience and certifications no typical homeowner holds. Be confident in our ability to remove water safely and securely that otherwise would damage your home.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville / Springdale is fully certified, licensed, and ready to complete your water removal job. Waste no time after the water event to call (479) 419-5544 and look forward to the return of your dry and comfortable home fast.

Click here for more about the city of Tontitown.

Water Damage Detection and Mitigation Equipment for Fayetteville Properties

11/1/2017 (Permalink)

Squeegees for Tile and Wet Vacs for Carpets Are in the SERVPRO Inventory for Water Removal in Fayetteville

SERVPRO's Inventory of Products, Gear, and Skilled Technicians Handles and Mitigates Damages

Water damage to Fayetteville homes is often not a matter of if, but when. That is because every home is naturally vulnerable to this risk. The likelihood of a burst pipe, faulty faucet, neglect, or flooding is ever present. Appropriate tools and equipment are necessary to detect, remove the water, and mitigate damages.

The skilled and IICRC certified SERVPRO technicians have the capability of restoring water damaged Fayetteville homes, always striving to salvage the components of the structure. The first line of defense is the detection of the water. We have moisture meters and sensors and infrared camera systems to detect even small amounts of hidden moisture within wall cavities and other isolated areas.
We use our deodorizing equipment and cleaning products to restore a pleasant smell to a previously foul-odor area. Stagnant water can be a significant source of odors. We can use thermal foggers, air scrubbers, and other devices for deodorizing.
SERVPRO's extraction equipment is deployed to suction water and moisture from building elements, furnishings, and belongings. Some of our inventory includes wet-vacs, submersible pumps, and truck-mounted extractors. Various wands and attachments enhance the efficacy of the water removal.
Carpets are by far some of the more vulnerable items at risk of water damage. This is due to their highly absorbent nature, laminated layers susceptible to separating, and weakening of the fibers. Typically, in non-flooding events carpets can be salvaged, but it may be more economically feasible to toss the padding. The use of lifting the edges and "floating" the carpets with forced, injected air from air movers expedites the drying process and can help to restore the water damaged flooring material, and not replace it.
Count on us, SERVPRO of Fayetteville / Springdale to efficiently detect and mitigate water intrusions in your home or business. Reach us by phone at (479) 419-5544. We are available 24/7 to assist with any fire, mold, or water-related issue.

Information regarding this AR city by clicking here.

Water Removal Services for Your Fayetteville Home After a Sink Overflow

9/26/2017 (Permalink)

Water Removal After Accidents in Your Fayetteville Home Gets Fast Results with SERVPRO

Water Damage from Many Sources Affect Your Property in Fayetteville

Clogged drains cause overflowing fixtures or appliances and water damage, and usually do so with no notice. You suddenly have a massive amount of water where it does not belong. Expert, fast action is needed and is essential to protect your Fayetteville property to minimize the harm.
Since plumbing accidents can happen without warning, SERVPRO has experienced crews ready to respond to your water removal emergency any time of the day, any day of the week. We act quickly to ensure the safety of you and our workers and determine the cause of the overflow problem in your Fayetteville home. If it has not already been done, we shut down the water supply.
Upon arrival, we pre-inspect the damaged areas carefully and look for any dangerous situations such as electrical hazards or soft subflooring. The standing water is then pumped out with industrial, truck-mounted pumps for large volumes of water. If the sink is located on an upper floor, we check the walls and floors underneath it for any water seepage and remove that as necessary.
SERVPRO technicians also use a moisture meter to figure out the extent of the water penetration in flooring, ceilings, and walls. We move and block any furniture when necessary and extract water from hard surface flooring and carpeting. Carpets are detached, and we then extract the water from the padding and floor. The pad is removed from your structure and in most cases, it is discarded.
Once everything affected is checked for additional damages such as delamination in carpets, or visible mold, we treat with an appropriate deodorizer and antimicrobial. We position air movers for drying, so they deliver a rapid airflow to the wet surfaces. We base the number of air movers on the recommendations from IICRC. The driers are often checked, and the positions of them are shifted as needed to make sure your home is dried in the shortest amount of time possible.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale is an experienced and trusted water damage remediation company. When you have a sink overflow for any reason, contact us right at (479) 419-5544 for the areas of Harmon, Johnson, or Fayetteville.

Learn more about this city by clicking here.

The SERVPRO Water Removal Process in Fayetteville

7/29/2017 (Permalink)

The best time to call SERVPRO is right after flooding damage has occurred. Our quick response can help prevent mold from growing on your property.

There are Many Steps Included in Our Certified Water Damage Remediation Process

Our area is known for sudden storms and flash flooding, but most water damage comes from old pipes that finally rusted out or an old dish washer that decides to cover the first floor of a home rather than wash its final load.

Regardless of the source, water removal from any Fayetteville home needs to be handled by a professional service. SERVPRO has decades of experience in Northwest Arkansas when it comes to helping our neighbors recover from disasters of every type.

Our first action is to remove any standing water. For levels over two inches in depth, we bring in pumps and portable generators if the power is out. If the water is covering the carpets and floors and not much else, we use extraction wands to draw out these smaller amounts. This is not a task for a Water-Vac, a flexible hose, and a roll of duct tape.

Once the water is gone, one of our technicians check the sub-floors and crawlspaces. If significant amounts of water are found, we use the extraction wands to remove those as well. As we finish this, other members of the response team move out furniture and other property that might be damaged as we continue.

The next step is to use the extraction wands to draw out moisture trapped in the carpets and wood floors. If there is a pad underneath the rug, we dispose of it. This is the most efficient way to remove the water trapped inside and the time spent to try and recover the pad costs more than buying a new one.

Finally, we draw the excess water out of the surrounding air and property. To do this, technicians use a combination of dehumidifiers and air movers. The first one can remove over 20 gallons of water from the air each day. The air movers force air into building material like drywall which pushes moisture into the air for the dehumidifiers to capture. This process can dry out an average-sized room in several days.

Once all this is completed, we use moisture content meters to check the air and materials. If the levels are too high, we repeat the processes until we reach normal levels. Our last step is to hand you back the keys and a complete report on what we did to restore your home to its pre-flood condition.

So, when Dickson Street has reopened once again from the latest closure and you can get take-out from the Hog Haus, contact SERVPRO of Fayetteville / Springdale to help you clear out your home. Call us at (479) 419-5544 today to get started.

For more information regarding Fayetteville, click here

Water Removal Protects Fayetteville Homes from Secondary Water Damage

3/3/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Uses Industry Leading Equipment for Water Removal in Fayetteville

SERVPRO Utilizes Many Pieces of Equipment for the Extraction of Water in Fayetteville Properties

Secondary water damage can affect many things in your home. Removing the water and the humidity in the air can reduce or even eliminate much of the risk of this type of damage. However, the process of removing water needs to begin as soon as you know there is a water emergency.

In Fayetteville homes, SERVPRO tailors water removal services to the specific requirements of the home involved. For significant amounts of water that results in interior flooding, including the basement, we use trucks that quickly pump standing water out. When there is less water remaining because of our earlier efforts, or the emergency involves less water, to begin with, we use small portable water extraction units.

When we have removed enough water that your home is only damp, we continue reducing the amount of moisture in your home with additional methods. Some types of secondary water damage can be prevented from occurring with these techniques. Such damage can include substantially increased microbial growth, cracking and splitting of wood furniture, and deterioration of your home's walls and foundation.

Fans are not adequate in creating the required amount of airflow, so we use larger, more powerful air movers. As these blow air around the interior of your home, the air absorbs the moisture still present. Because this moisture needs to be removed, and not just evaporated into the air, dehumidifiers are also used in conjunction with the air movers. Large axial box fans are also useful to large volumes of air movement.

Sometimes, when the air is cooler, we also use heaters to raise the indoor temperature. Refrigerated dehumidifiers require an ambient temperature of at least 70 degrees to extract moisture from the air effectively. Some situations, involving contaminated water, require that air scrubbers be used. When foul odors are present, an ozone-producing unit or hydroxyl generator is always a good choice to add to the equipment used.

SERVPRO water extraction procedures remove the water and the risks of secondary water damage, making everything “Like it never even happened.” Call us, SERVPRO of Fayetteville / Springdale, 24/7, at (479) 419-5544.

Water Removal Process in Johnson

2/8/2017 (Permalink)

Don't let water damage continue to linger in your home. Call SERVPRO to remediate ASAP.

SERVPRO Technicians are Trained to Follow High Standards When Dealing with Water Damage Remediation

Flood waters, regardless of the source, can destroy some personal property in less than an hour; cloth (curtains and furniture fabrics) and paper (books and personal documents) are particularly vulnerable. In less than a day, even some building materials can be so compromised that they have to be removed and disposed of.

The city of Johnson is blessed with an abundance of water sources, but those same sources also make water removal after a flood into an ongoing concern. Every SERVPRO employee is trained to the industry standards of the IICRC (Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification). Removal includes training on the pumps and generators that we use to remove the water, how to determine which ones are needed to do so as quickly as possible, and identify which areas could be a problem in every home we go into. 

Removing standing water is only the first step in the process of restoring your home to its pre-flood state. Before any technician sets up a pump, we also make sure they are trained to IICRC standards in the following:

Applied Structural Drying - This involves drying floors and walls that have been under water. Each technician is trained to use moisture monitoring equipment, water extractors, industrial heaters, and air movers to accomplish it.

Carpet Cleaning - Restoration team members are taught to identify fabrics that can be cleaned and the special techniques required for each type. They also are trained to use the cleaning chemicals in our inventory and how to use them in a safe manner, conforming to state and federal regulations.

Fabric and Upholstery Cleaning - This involves fiber and cloth identification. Each type has special cleaning requirements to stop color bleeding from furniture and drapes and prevent distortion and shrinking after being soaked in standing water for an extended period of time.

General Water Damage - This course covers the various kinds of water damage and the effects they have on building materials and personal property.

Odor Control - Technicians are trained to identify the source of different odors caused by water and mold damage. Once accomplished, they are taught to use the deodorization cleaners and anti-microbial foggers we have to remove them.

Dealing with flooding is always a stressful situation. It doesn't have to be an expensive one if you quickly bring in a professional to begin restoring your home and property. SERVPRO of Fayetteville / Springdale is ready to help with this or any other type of disaster. Call us at (479) 419-5544 for an inspection or to get started today.

Water Damage to Your Johnson Property Has Many Causes

12/30/2016 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Says Do Not Let Water Damage to Your Johnson Property Ruin Your New Year

Rain, Ice Dams, Leaky Pipes, and Broken Drains Can Lead to Water Damage

Flooding from overflowing creeks and streams can destroy a home in under a day. Even if the damage isn't immediate and obvious, just a few inches of standing water can cause thousands of dollars in repair and replacement costs if it isn't removed quickly and efficiently. Typically, rainwater or a broken water line causes less water damage. With the recent freeze burst water pipes and ice damming are two very relevant and real factors that may cause water damage.

It's not likely that your home is going to flood, but water removal in your Johnson home can be a necessity at some point in time. SERVPRO has the experience and equipment needed to accomplish it quickly and efficiently.

Our response team can start with one or more pumps. The size and number will depend on the amount of water present and the size and type of your home. For example, a duplex will require at least two pumps even of there is only an inch of standing water. A single family home may require a single extractor. But a large capacity pump is not always needed.

After the extraction of pooling water, our SERVPRO technicians will deploy specialized vacuums that extract water from carpet fibers and the cracks between floorboards without damaging them. We have special large surface area pads called suction mats for this purpose. If done quickly enough, these extractors can draw water from the pads underneath carpets to restore them as well. This process also serves to prevent floorboards from warping due to extensive submersion in water.

While extraction from your floors is being accomplished, other team members will place air movers in key areas to help draw water out of the surrounding walls. It may also be necessary to set up heaters and dehumidifiers to extract water from drywall before it is compromised and has to be replaced. Besides the physical damage, extracting the water will also help prevent the expansion and growth of mold. Water soaked drywall is a perfect food source for mold spores.

It may be dry now, even with the freeze. If you want to get ahead of the next rain or ice, call us today for an inspection to see where we can help you prevent or lessen the effects of water damage. When you do have water in your home, call us at, SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale at(479) 419-5544 to mitigate losses "Like it never even happened."